Michael was a radical AIDS activist involved with the very controversial ACT-UP/SF and denied that HIV was cause of AIDS. His antics were notorious and included disrupting health official meetings, participating in events where people threw pills at assemblies, and getting in a fight with ACT-UP founder Larry Kramer. In contrast to his public persona, one on one he was a very gentle person whose frequent parting line was “Peace and Love” and he meant it.
Like many radical activists in San Francisco, Michael became increasingly

In June of 2004, Michael was on his way to a yet another anti-war march with one of his pro-Israel signs when he saw something new and exciting that San Francisco had only just started to experience – people standing up in public to support Israel. This was the San Francisco Voice for Israel pro-Israel counter-rally to the ANSWER event. He decided to join our march instead of once again attempting to stand as a lone progressive voice for Israel amongst the ANSWER rabble.
In very short order, Michael became more and more involved

Michael died last month of complications from HIV.
To read obituaries such as this one in the Bay Area Reporter, http://ebar.com/obituaries/index.php?sec=ob&article=252 one might be tempted to believe that Michael had given up on activism in 2004 for a life of academia. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was an invaluable contributor to our efforts against anti-Israel hatred and anti-Semitism on the streets of the Bay Area.
He was a friend as well as a colleague. We will miss him greatly.
MIchael did not die from complications of HIV or from the side effects of Hiv/AIDS drugs. He died of a systematic infection that many people have died of and has nothing to do with HIV or AIDS
I'm almost certain that the man in the top photo is not Michael.
I say this because I knew him pretty well.
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